

San Vito

or San Modesto and Santa Crescenzia


This Romanesque oratory has a single nave. Its façade has a mullioned window and a small rose-window. The windows are rectangular. The old apse is underground. In the interior there is baroque furniture and seventeenth-century side chapels. The bell tower dates back to the Gothic period.


12th century


Via S. Vito, 32
37045 Legnago (VR)

Opening hours

Open to single visitors: on the first Saturday of every month: please send an e-mail.
Open to groups: on other days too: please send an e-mail.


Information from the owners (private building) and at IAT Legnago – Pianura Veronese

For more information

E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.