

San Pietro in Monastero or

Beata Vergine delle Grazie

or Cieson


This is a Romanesque church, with a Latin cross plan, a central vault and three apses. Its façade has a portal, a splayed rose-window and a not-aligned mullioned window. The outer sides are adorned with arches. In the interior there is a stone and cotto floor.


Before the 10th century


Via Chiesone, 12
San Pietro in Valle
37060 Gazzo Veronese (VR)

Opening hours

Open to single visitors: during the Feast of the Patron Saint (week of 15th August) and occasionally in the afternoons of May for religious services.
Open to groups: by appointment: please call the parish.


Information at Parish of Gazzo Veronese and IAT Legnago – Pianura Veronese

For more information

Parish of Gazzo Veronese
Piazza Gazzo, 13
37060 Gazzo Veronese (VR)
Phone number: 0442/550254